Larry Tagg

Larry Tagg has just released his second solo album "Rover" on the PSYCHOactive label.

Two cuts, "Drive Away" and "After This Love Is Gone," are now on European radio.

If you'd like a copy of "Rover," send $15 (US & Canada, $17 international) payable to Larry Tagg, to:
Larry Tagg
Dept. R.
2140 Markham Way
Sacramento, CA 95818
Larry's first album "With a Skeleton Crew" is also available on CD ($15 US & Canada, $17 International) and cassette ($10 US & Canada, $12 International).

There is also a brief biography of Larry as well as one put together by his record company. You may also explore a small gallery of photos.

Send e-mail to Larry at

Larry has a book out called The Generals of Gettysburg. Click on the title to read about the general of the day - they're all fascinating. (excerpted from the book - changed daily).

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