Show #17 (4/24-30)

TR-i TAKES THE SHOW ON THE ROAD! Listen for all new episodes of "The Difference with Todd Rundgren" all summer long, and catch Todd's tour when it rolls into your town!
AND... You wrote, you called, we even got a telegram from one of you. You want to hear Todd's new stuff, and we're happy to oblige. TR-i plays a track from "The Individualist" the week of May 8th.
THE DIFFERENCE WITH TODD RUNDGREN is a weekly, two-hour radio magazine heard on great stations across North America. Check your local listings for time and station.

JUST OUT!!! THE NEW DIFFERENCE STATION LIST! Just E-mail us for a copy. If you don't hear THE DIFFERENCE where you live, write to the program director of your favorite station and tell them about us. (Better to hear about us from you than from their competition!) And if you DO hear the show, write anyway! (Radio programmers really do like to hear from you, especially when you're happy!)

COLLEGE STUDENTS: We're in the tail end of our search for SUMMER INTERNS in our Philadelphia production HQ. If you're currently enrolled in a college or university (preferably one which will offer you credit for spending the summer with us), can volunteer twenty hours of your time each week, and want to learn everything you can about syndicated radio, then we'd like to hear from you. Send a "cover letter" and resume BY E-MAIL ONLY!!! to the address below.
Send your comments and questions to us at: We love hearing from you!

-Joe Taylor Jr.
Line Producer, "The Difference With Todd Rundgren"
Mission Control, Philadelphia USA