SPECIAL BULLETIN from the Distribution Office...

Some of you keen listeners found out the old-fashioned way that WGIR ("Rock 101") in Manchester, NH has been testing out The Difference. I'm happy to say that they're now an official affiliate, and they'll be running the show every Sunday night at 10.

Why the Bulletin? We've had so much e-mail from listeners in the NH and Northern Mass. area asking about the show, I wanted to make sure you found out as soon as it was official. And YES, this means that those of you in Boston (with good antennae) can now hear the show every week. To find out if you can pick up WGIR where you live (but aren't near a radio to try tuning in) point your web browser at:


And while you're there, why not drop them a line in their comments box to show your support? Thanks for your patience, and to those of you still waiting, don't worry... we're coming for you!

Joe Taylor
Line Producer, "The Difference With Todd Rundgren"